happy 5 months

hi conor, i knew you viewed the old site often so i didnt know how to update it without you knowing.. so i made you a whole new one. i learned a few more new things to do for this one to make it a little different than the first one. i know it is a little less special because its an idea ive already done before but it is still symbolic of my love manifested through hard work.


i want you to know and feel that i love you a lot every day. i understand that my way of showing this is different and some times quite strange but that does not make it any less true. i appreciate you for accepting all of me, and even my flaws and helping me accept those things for myself.

i still stand by the words i told you a while ago, those being to never change. growth is natural in different internal areas, but i believe the core parts that make you are some of the best things in this world. those things and cocteau twins.

